Candid Chile - 11 Days

Have you always dreamed of making a life-changing trip far away from home? Have you always wished you had the time to learn more about photography? What if there was a professional photographer with you to teach you how it works? In that case, Candid Chile is perfect for you!

In short, this trip of 11 days offers you the best of Chile’s wide variety of nature: it gives you the opportunity to take the most beautiful shots in Araucania’s peaceful forests. Additionally, you will stay in sustainable accommodations, and connect with like-minded individuals in the cities of Temuco and Villarrica. It is organized five times a year for small groups of 4 tourists per group. The aim is to allow the participants to experience the Chilean magic in a relaxing way.

This trip to Latin America is always led by a well-known photographer and a local guide, who will show you the best of their worlds. Thanks to the presence of the professional photographer, you will learn about photography with the highlight being the master class. Moreover, you will be encouraged to use your new skills with rewards for the winners. Are you ready for the adventure and the challenge? Are you ready to change your life? Then keep reading!


In short, Candid Chile offers you:

  • the chance to learn and apply skills from different photography disciplines
  • personal tips & tricks by pro photographer Bas Meelker
  • on-site competition to make the best pictures per photography discipline
  • small group travel
  • photography combined with day excursions & relaxation activities


  • Waterfall photography workshop
  • Skydiving in Temuco
  • 24/7 presence of professional photographer
  • Post-trip exhibition
  • Photo book full of memories


Day 1
Arrival Temuco

After a long day of flights from Amsterdam to Santiago de Chile, we finally arrive at the airport in Temuco. After that, we drive to our first accommodation in the Huilo Huilo Reserve and relax the rest of the night.

Day 2
Programme overview

This is the first day of the actual trip, focusing on relaxing a bit after the long day of travelling. You get a brief overview of the programme and you meet the professional photographer and local guide. In the afternoon, there is the opportunity to discover the Huilo Huilo Reserve by yourself.

Day 3
Huilo Huilo Reserve

Today, you get the opportunity to acquire new photography skills with the first workshops taking place. In the morning, you can learn all about macro photography, followed by reflection photography and even sunset photography in the afternoon. Day 3 ends with some cheese and wine on a volcano.

Day 4
Huilo Huilo Reserve

On day 4, you enter the deep layers of photography. First, the professional photographer will teach you all about reflection photography, then it is about time lapse photography, to finally end with black and white photography. At night there is a special night photography session planned where you can even go stargazing if you are lucky.

Day 5
Huerquehue National Park

On day 5 it is time to move to the next stop of our trip: Huerquehue National Park. After driving for 3 hours, we arrive there. In the afternoon, you will discover the park on a sportive hike on the Los Lagos Trail. You will end the day with a camp fire.

Day 6

Day 6 is about relaxing. We leave the national park for a day and go to the amazing city of Villarrica. First, you bring a visit to Termas de San Luis, where you can rest and enjoy a massage. Lunch is included. Next on the planning is a fun boat tour on lake Villarrica, where you will be charmed by the water and can take pictures if you want. Finally, the group will visit the local market Nehuen, where you can try as much local food as you want to.

Day 7
Conguillio National Park

The next stop on our trip is Conguillio National Park. Here, you will also go on a hike through the park with a picnick included. That is the main highlight of day 7. In the late afternoon there is also some free time for you to rest.

Day 8
Conguillio National Park

Day 8 is the ‘highlight’ of the trip with a 5 hour ultimate masterclass of waterfall photography at the Truful Truful Waterfalls. In the late afternoon, there is also a workshop on rain photography, followed by some free time in the park. There is even the option to go phishing on the Rainbow Lagoon Lake.

Day 9
Conguillio National Park

On our last day in the Conguillio National Park, we visit the nearby China Muerta Reserve. In this beautiful place, you can take photos with all the skills you have acquired the past days. Finally, there is a black and white photography workshop or a night photography session for those that are interested in that.

Day 10

Just like the trip starts, it ends in Temuco. On the last day on-site, you have the opportunity to see more from the city than just the airport. For the adventurous ones, there is the once-in-a-lifetime chance to go skydiving. If you are not up for that, don’t worry: you can also visit the Regional Museum of Araucania. Afterwards, you can visit the local market of Feria Pinto, including lunch. To end this beautiful adventure, there is a special picture gallery with the winning photos displayed along with other pictures of the trip.

Day 11
Leaving Temuco

Day 11 is spent travelling home, from Temuco to Santiago. Arrival at Schiphol, Amsterdam is foreseen for the next day.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Candid Chile
From € 7,075
per Adult