About us

Who are we?

We are travel professionals that want to offer nature photographers the chance to explore very alluring unexplored forest locations, while offering them the opportunity to learn new photography skills in a sustainable and eco-friendly way. Our purpose is giving forest photographers a well-deserved break from the constant stimulation of their daily routines, while giving back to nature at the same time. 

We choose to counter overtourism by exploring alternative destinations, and in doing so also supporting local economies. It is all about creating a sustainable product that can be realized in an eco-friendly and sustainable way. Moreover, we hope to bring awareness of natural conservation and preservation, and to help in these initiatives where possible. Thanks to small exclusive travel groups, we will create a community of like-minded individuals that are passionate about photography, nature and meeting others with the same interests.

What does our name mean?

Shutterbug is a term used to refer to photographers, originating from when photography started, and photographers would crawl through stuff to get the best pictures. Thus, bug from the crawling and shutter from the camera.  

For us, Shutterbug has a deeper meaning: it connects the love for photography and passion to discover more through photography with the closeness to nature that the bug also represents. This explains why our logo is a bug and lens merged into one.  

Focusing on forests, our main product colour scheme is also green, enforcing our desire to be sustainable and to inspire new and growing photographers. Our respective destinations also have their own logos each with its own colour to emphasise their uniqueness and distinguish them from each other. The different colour shutterbug logos alongside our official logo as could be observed in the upper left corner of our website has the additional benefit of visualizing our desire to present our product in various seasons.  


Offering package trips to amateurs and semi-professional photographers with the focus on learning new skills within a forest setting. Realising this in a sustainable manner while also creating opportunities for community building, exploring alternative destinations, and breaking away from daily routines.  


To grow a community of photographers that capture and share moments together. 


Our core values are: 

  • Sustainability –accommodation, food, travel (as far as possible), activities, … 
  • Respect – towards nature and each other 
  • Honesty – communications with customers & partners 
  • Community building